Access free courses in English, French, and Spanish: 

·       WASH Systems Building Blocks 

·       Fundraising for WASH  

·       Financing & Costing WASH Services 

·       Social Art for Behavior Change 

·       Market-based Sanitation  

·       Climate Resilient WASH.  

One For All Influence Workstream 

Melissa Revotskie: TBD 

David De Armey is the Director of Global Partnerships at Water for
Good and oversees the organization’s water sector partnerships, working
alongside water agencies, institutions and NGOs to reinforce coordination and
communication to strengthen national development objectives for the water
sector. He leads coordination with governments at regional and national levels
to generate innovative and adapted service delivery models.


John Butterworth is Director of IRC’s Global Programme. IRC’s Global
Programme generates and uses evidence, working through partnerships, to drive
change at scale in the systems that ultimately deliver water, sanitation and
hygiene services at country and local levels. He currently represents IRC in
the Sanitation and Water for All led Heads of State Initiatives, the executive
committee of the Agenda for Change, the Influence team for the One For
Alliance, UN-water and the board of the Millennium Water Alliance.




One For All Fundraising Workstream 

Bryony Stentiford is the Director of IRC’s Growth Hub.
With a background in Environmental Engineering and Project Management, she
transitioned from events management to the WASH sector, driven by a passion for
sustainable development. In the Growth Hub, she leads efforts to build and
strengthen systems that transform lives around the world. 


Kelly Honecker, Director of Major Gifts at Water For People,
has over 23 years of experience in impact-driven resource mobilization. Having
raised over $30M in philanthropic funding to date, she has helped advance
palliative care efforts, research grants for cancer treatments, affordable
housing options and now, sustainable systems change in the global water and
sanitation crisis. 


Join World Water Week Sessions

1) Online/onsite session on Heads of State leadership to
water and sanitation for all (led by GoNL, with SWA, IRC committed to support
country presence); Jane/Sara

2) Online/ onsite session on Gender and equity within and
beyond WASH systems (WS4H; led by Leeds, IRC to open, Angela (online)/Ruchika
(in person) or CD); Wed 28 Aug – 9 10.30

3) Online/ onsite session on Beyond Language Borders:
WASH-Systems-Strengthening through Sports, Arts and Music also accepted (WHH)
(Stef, Ruchika (lead)); TBD: location and time

4) Financing for WASH in Bangladesh: Macro to micro
perspective (Digbijoy (in person/lead)/ Ruchika);

5) Thinkshop session on Taking stock in systems
strengthening programming: Framing qualitative evidence (led by WHH, with A4C,
input expected from Stef); monday 26 aug 9-10.30;

6) Unlocking the hidden potential of open WASH data
(Marieke/Stef, led by Nick D for WASHNote) thursday 29 9:00 – 10.30

7) Can sustainable WASH services in fragile contexts support
social cohesion? (led by UNICEF, Catarina invited to be on panel, will share
research on refugees / host communities by John/ Joseph/ Peter)

(8) UNICEF will also present IRC work on water supply for
refugees and host communities (Catarina F on a panel?)

Need to add WFP

World Water WEEK 2024

With the World Water Week 2024 theme: Bridging Borders: Water for a Peaceful and Sustainable Future, it’s time for everyone to fully embrace the regional and global interconnectivity of communities and their relationships to water.

One For All–a global alliance focused on solving for SDG 6, water and sanitation for all–was founded on the belief that we can go faster and further together. The year 2030, the United Nations deadline for Sustainable Development Goals, is no longer a distant target.
The need for collaboration, collective impact and bold, innovative thinking feels even more imperative than when One For All conversations began many years ago. We’re together at SIWI to help push these sorts of partnerships and collaborations across all of the other systems people depend on to thrive and live in peace.

Building strong WASH systems together

Our online learning platform provides the knowledge and tools to build lasting water and sanitation services. Register for any of our 30+ free courses. Available in English, French, and Spanish:

Join our World Water Week sessions

Coffee Corner (4:18)
We’ve intentionally created the One For All Coffee Corner to allow space and opportunity for conversations. Fueled by the stories of our collective work (visually, in print and through audio) and coffee from Guatemala, we hope the space invites new connections and conversations from both around the globe and around different workstreams.

25 August (Sunday)

09:00 – 10:30 | Financing for WASH in Bangladesh: Macro to Micro Perspective | Room 26, Level 2 | IRC, BRAC, WaterAid

26 August (Monday)

09:00 – 10:30 | Taking Stock in Systems Strengthening Programming: Framing Qualitative Evidence | Room 26, Level 2 | Agenda for Change, Welthungerhilfe

11:00 – 12:30 | Heads of State Leadership to Water and Sanitation for All | C4, Level 2 | IRC, Government of the Netherlands, SWA, UNICEF

28 August (Wednesday)

09:00 – 10:30 | Achieving Gender Equity Within and Beyond WASH Systems | online & on-site (A4, Level 6) | IRC, A4C, FCDO, SWA, SNV, Water For People, WaterAid, WHO, UNICEF, LSHTM, Goal, University of Leeds, Self Help Africa

14:00 – 15:30 | Sustainable Financing for Transboundary Water Cooperation | online & on-site (A4, Level 6) | CAF, FEMSA, GEF, Global Environment Facility, Inter-American Development Bank, Water For People (Daniel Oporto)

15:00 – 16:00 | Can Sustainable WASH Services in Fragile Contexts Support Social Cohesion? | Online | KfW Development Bank, UNHCR, UNICEF, IRC 

29 August (Thursday)

9:00 – 10:30 | Unlocking the Hidden Potential of Open WASH Data | C3, Level 2 | IRC, Baseflow Malawi, Digdeep, ETH Zurich, Gov SA, OpenWASHdata, University of Kwazulu Natal, WASH Web, WHO

11:00 – 12:30 | Is Failure a Key Step in Mainstreaming Technology Innovation? | On-site (C3, Level 2) & online | Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Eawag, Sanitation University Western Australia, Water For People (Brenda Achiro Muthemba), World Bank Group

14:00 – 15:30 | Beyond Language Borders: WASH-Systems-Strengthening through Sports, Arts, and Music | online & on-site (C2, Level 2)| IRC (Ruchika Shiva), Viva con Aqua (Uganda), Welthungerhilfe

Meet our teams at World Water Week


Ruchika Shiva

Jane Nabunnya Mulumba

Jullita Chinseu

Daniel Oporto

Brenda Achiro Muthemba

Lamessa Mekonta

Vita Duti

Digbijoy Dey